I'm feeling pretty worried about Michaelangelo and his skin issue at the moment, and I can't wait any more for things to change! And, I guess from what I hear, the flea problem here in the NW was way past awful this year. Usually, Michaelangelo receives a monthly flea treatment of Frontline. We also had done the internal one, which also works for heart worms as well. But this summer I saw no real help in those products. I also had been spraying his tummy area with Virbac Genesis Topical Spray. The only little problem here is that I am one of these people who tries to never use chemicals for myself OR my dog if I can at all avoid it.
So, since I wasn't seeing any real, viable results with the flea "usual vet recommended" remedy, and I was super-paranoid about continuing to use a steroidal spray with possible side-effects, I stopped that and went to some "natural" products.
One product I have recently started using is Doc Ackerman's Botanical Citronella Flea Spray. Who wouldn't want to use a product with such natural ingredients as:
Deionized Water,Oil of Citronella, Oil of Pennyroyal, Oil of Pine and Eucalyptus, Fresh Extracts of Wormwood, Rue and Cedarwood Oil,Extract of Black Walnut Leaves, Aloe Vera Extract,Chamomile Extract, Jojoba Oil,Rose Geranium Oil.
Maybe it's working on the fleas, (still I find a few every couple of days) but my baby is scratching himself raw in all kinds of places!!! I just can't stand to think of him in this pain! I know what I feel like when I have a rash and have to itch it till my skin comes off! It's horrible!! To help with his delicate skin, I purchased DermAllay, thinking that this will REALLY help, since it's all fatty acids and oatmeal! WRONG! He is scratching WORSE THAN EVER!!!
I also have recently purchased this product from Pet Alive! Flea Derm. I just can't tell if anything is doing ANYTHING because he bites at his back-side above his tail almost constantly now...and his belly is so pink and looks really painful.
I have made an appointment with our vets to see her tonight. I will bring everything in, including his food, which is Blue, and his only snacks, which are supposed to be healthy and natural too come from Trader Joe's! Peanut Butter & Molasses biscuits are his favorite and I put them in his kong or a natural bone.
SO, I guess it's best to go in and have him looked at and I will bring in all the stuff I have and his biscuits and see what direction we should go in next. I want my baby back to his normal self and his normal self isn't scratching from waking to sleep! It's agony for me to go to work, knowing he's home and probably scratching all day if I don't leave him puppy kong and/or bones to keep his mind off his itching.
Have you ever heard of a vet telling you to give your dog a human medicine? My doctor said to give Michael some allergy meds - a half a tab - when his scratching is really bad! But I never like to take that stuff for myself! Should I give it to my dog!? Does anyone have any ideas?! HELP! Jean? Anyone with any ideas or feedback, I welcome it, and thank you!!! Update coming soon!!
1 comment:
A lot of owners use Benadryl for itching in their dogs and it is a pretty benign medicine.
You might consider dropping all grains, even blue has grains and grains seem to be a big itcher for many dogs.
Molly is on a raw diet but not because of itching, but it has no grains and she is doing great on it.
Interested to hear what your vet will say, it does sound like seasonal allergies, ecp is you dont see flea bites, some dogs are highly allergic to flea bites
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