Sunday, January 06, 2008

Dreaming of Summer Days...

AAaaahhhh, we love and miss summer sooooo much around this time of the year....We live in the good old northwest, where the winters are long, cold and rainy! It's just not as much fun when you get all filthy dirty and soaking wet and practically have to have a bath each time you go for a walk!! Some days I just don't want to go out in the nasty weather!!!

Then some days we go all out and I get to run around in the mud like a crazy dog!!! Yeah, my maw let me do that today, and I had a bunch of fun and had a reaaaalllyyy nice hot bath when we got home, I got my hair dried with the hair dryer and I am now all happy and cuddly clean and fresh....I'm gonna take a nap and dream about summer....

MMMmmmmmmmm. Momma and I llllooovvveeeee those lazy summer days....Nappin in the sun........


Jan said...

We are impressed with our human's ability to bring beams of sunshine into the house.

Misty the alpha Poodle

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