Sunday, January 20, 2008

Always Looking For Adventure!!!

Even in our usually dreary Northwest winter, we get treated to the odd - day of sunshine! How overjoyed we are when this happens!! We load up and head out to our favorite park on a mountain and hike for at least an hour! We meet as many new friends as we can and just make it a great workout for the day!!! Many paths to explore - and they are exciting each time, no matter how many times we hiked them before!!

After some long hiking and adventures, I'm ready for a cuddly little nap.....I love to burrow in the blankets! And of course, mom likes to snuggle me up even more as though I'm in a cacoon!!!

My mom is a great way to cozy up and snooze. Here we are ending our day cuddling on the couch while momma reads her Jack Russel Book!!!

Hope you had a day of sun and adventure too!!!
Michaelangelo & Mom

1 comment:

Jan said...

Our mom has been wrapped up watching football for the last three weekends so we haven't had those neat outdoor adventures.

misty the alpha Poodle