Michaelangelo and I didn't get much excercise yesterday, since it poured rain for it's entirety.
And apart from falling asleep on the couch at 6:30 pm and waking up at 3am, not much going on around here!!
This morning, since we were awake very early, we got out on an early walk as well. I could tell he needed it, and I certainly needed it. And shock of all shockers!! The ground was relatively dry at 7:30am...so we made our way round the block in the quiet sleepy neighborhood....
As little horses often do, they pull you where THEY want to go, regardless of what it is YOU were thinking...YOU, you know, the PACK LEADER?!?! My little horse thinks he runs things out on our walks. And to be honest with you, sometimes? He does!!
This morning he was DETERMINDED to get us to the park, but I thought it a little early yet, even if a little bit light already - after what we know happened some days ago at the park he loves to chase unsuspecting squirrels in!! So he ends up dragging me toward the park and I relent, thinking I'll steer him clear once we get upon it, we'll go the other way towards home.
As we were about to make that turn away from the park, Micahel sees a beautiful dog off in the distance, which I first thought was a smaller Irish Setter, with a silver haired lady in tow...So, I give him the go-ahead and off we ran to meet our new friends...
Mattie is unbelievably 16 years young!! Her grandma, Pat told me how Mattie was her daughters' dog, and her daughter died on Christmas day two years ago...My heart was immediately gripped for this woman, and tears sprang to my eyes...She said Mattie probably thought I was her daughter, Terri, who kind of looked like me in height and hair...At that point, watching beautiful Mattie jump and romp around like a little puppy, could not help but drop tears. They fell out of my eyes like an overflowing glass, and I said some little prayers for Mattie, and her grandma Pat. I told her how sorry I was to hear it and I also miss my father every day quite a lot of the day, so I sort of understand....and she said, "It's really hard, sometimes - moreso than others. I just get through 24 hours at a time."
We walked with them through the park and I shared with her to take care in and around the park and school as thugs are accosting people with fists and knives in the quiet dark of the morning. She agreed to pass on the warning to other people she knows come to the park as well. I told Pat I'd love to take her and Mattie's portrait, but sadly, did not exchange info with her. I just know that they are in my neighbhorhood. I was kicking myself wishing I'd carried some cards with me to give her, so she could contact me and I could perchance have the opportunity to visit with her and Mattie and make some lovely portraits of these two beautiful ladies...I cried all the way home.
My heart went out to her so much! I am crying even now, as I write this an hour later...I can't express how much I can feel for other people, and have agonized over the pain in the world. Pat and I agreed how much of a difference it makes to have a dog. Mattie took to me and stood happily glued to me for my loving hugs. I was thankful for meeting her today, and I know Michael enjoyed Mattie, too. To see that bounce and playful show of happiness to us, yeah, that sweet old Golden made our day...I so hope we see them again and I vow to start taking my photography cards - and my camera out on our walks with us for when we meet such beautiful folks that they must have be captured and remembered this beautiful forever...
notes: The beautiful Mattie pup. Here is where we are meeting and just starting our walk with Pat & Mattie. I'm sorry my voice is so loud and Pat's is so low.