Sunday, October 28, 2007

Indian Summer in October.....

We've had an exceptional few days and now this weekend is just phenomenal!! Can you see the light pouring in from the windows here?? Michael is waiting oh so patiently until momma gets her gear ready to go out on our weekend adventure!!! It's still just a teeeeeney bit chilly and we don't mind that so much when the sun is shining brightly! We like to get dressed up and go on walks about town and in our favorite parks and such!

Check out how cool this little jersey is Michael has been wearing this month!! It gets just a little bit of light and glows brightly! It's super cool. I wish I had a matching one!!! (Michaelangelo's skeleton jersey came from Target by the way!!!) I can't wait to post Michael's Halloween costume pics here in a couple of days! Oh how well the costume suits him, too!!

1 comment:

Jan said...

That is so cool!!! It's still in the 70s here but when it gets cooler i want to glow in the dark.