Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hangin' out Relaxin' with Friends at the Weekend...

Michaelangelo has healed up nicely from his little paw issue we had recently!!! He had to get stitches and he limped around for a few days and I had to keep him busy with bones with treats in them!!

Rick's buddy from our old hometown came to visit and brought his new little
cutie-baby, Star, what a doll-doggy!!!

Fun day of walks and doggie play...The late afternoon sun is a great way to relax at the end of the day!!!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Glad the paw is healing well. I've never had that happen to a dog, but I've had it happen to a child when he was a toddler. We have no idea how it happened, but did we did feel guilty for a long time.